
Terms and Conditions

Renewal of SIM Card Registration

1. (a) These Terms and Conditions have been issued in accordance with Section 21 of the Federal Act No. 1 for 1991 in respect with Emirates Telecommunications Corporation.

(b) These Terms and Conditions shall govern the renewal of SIM Card registration of Etisalat's customers provided by Etisalat to the party contracting with (the "Customer").

(c) These Terms and Conditions shall be an integral part of the terms and conditions (relating to the particular service), signed by and between Etisalat and the Customer.

(d) This introduction constitutes an integral part of these Terms and Conditions.

2. Documentation and Identification:

(a) The Customer undertakes to provide original and valid copies of his/her identity or passport and other relevant documents and/or information required by Etisalat at the time of renewal of SIM card registration of a SIM card provided by Etisalat.

(b) The Customer acknowledges that Etisalat will renew and fully update the details of the SIM card in the application form that is relevant to the terms and conditions of the product and/or service along with his/her proof of identity, and that all the identification requirements are successfully met to have the SIM card re-registered under his/her name.

3. Disclaimer and Indemnity:

(a) When updating, completing and signing the renewal of SIM card registration, the Customer undertakes to refrain from the following:

1. Making a statement or providing an information or submitting a document that is misleading, false, incomplete or deceptive; or

2. Concealing any relevant fact or data; or

3. Intentionally or negligently making a statement or providing an information or submitting a document for the purpose of inducing Etisalat.

(b) The Customer acknowledges and agrees that he/she will be solely responsible for any fraud, offence, violation, loss, breach of legal and regulatory obligations, breach of this contract, legal cost or any other liability (including consequential and indirect liability) arising out of or in connection with the renewal of the SIM card registration, and the Customer shall also undertake to indemnify, defend and hold Etisalat harmless against the same, except for liability for death or personal injury

4. Customer's Responsibility:

(a) The Customer shall warrant that all documentation and information provided by him/her is true, valid and correct. The Customer will solely be responsible for any untrue information or invalid documentation provided by him/her in violation to the applicable regulations and laws in UAE, as well as to this Clause.

(b) The Customer warrants that he/she will be the only person who uses the SIM card. The Customer will be responsible for any use of the SIM card by any other person. This includes financial liability as well as legal liability where the SIM card is used for unlawful purposes or improper usage.

(c) The Customer warrants not to transfer the SIM card temporarily or permanently to a third party without the prior written permission of Etisalat.

5. Disclosure of Information:

The Customer acknowledges that Etisalat may be required to disclose his/her personal information to comply with the laws of the UAE or the express instructions of a competent authorities or for the interests of public or national security authorities of the UAE, or for verification of identity and other lawful purposes (such as credit checking, security and fraud prevention).

6. Transfer of SIM card:

Without prejudice to the obligations and responsibilities of the Customer under the preceding paragraphs, in any circumstances the SIM card supplied to a Customer (hereinafter referred to as the "Original Customer") comes to be used by a person or any of his/her relatives or friends (hereinafter referred to as the "Existing Customer"), the Original Customer undertakes to inform Etisalat in due course about such change in usage of the SIM card. Etisalat may at its own discretion change its records, including the registration details to reflect the information of the Existing Customer using the SIM card as the actual user of the SIM card, provided that the Existing Customer has given consent in writing to use the SIM card. If this is established and the Existing Customer has complied with the SIM card registration identification requirements and signed all the related documents, Etisalat may cause the Existing Customer as the holder and user of the SIM card, and he/she shall be responsible for all uses of the SIM card. Both the Original Customer and Existing Customer shall approach Etisalat's customer care unit to do all the necessary changes and provide the required information and details.

7. Suspension & Deactivation:

The Customer acknowledges that Etisalat reserves the right to suspend or terminate the SIM card (and the relating service account/s) where its registration or renewal of registration have been made in breach of those applicable Terms and Conditions, or where Etisalat is required to carry on with such suspension or termination to comply with a regulatory requirement or law.

8. Additional Terms:

The terms set out in those Terms and Conditions supplement the term and conditions that the Customer has signed up in relation to the service account.

9. Amendments:

Etisalat reserves the right to change, amend or reproduce these Terms and Conditions or any document related to Etisalat renewal of SIM card registration, Etisalat services and products from time to time as it may deem fit. Any such change, amendment or reproduction shall immediately bind the Customer from the date on which it is posted on Etisalat website.

10. Governing Laws & Jurisdiction:

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the UAE and any dispute arising out of this contract shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the UAE courts.

These Terms and Conditions for the renewal of SIM card registration are without prejudice to any terms and conditions applicable to the mobile service/s provided by Etisalat to the Customer.

I hereby confirm that I have carefully read, understood, and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions mentioned above.